Build skills with Alexa Conversations

Alexa Conversations is a new way to build skills and even experienced voice developers will need to get familiar with the concepts to succeed. Check out the following resources to learn more and prepare for the challenge.

Introductory Education - The best place to start is with the on-demand session from Alexa Live 2020. You may need to register (free) if you did not attend the event, then search the session catalog in the Advanced Voice section of the Skill Development track for “Build Conversational Interfaces Faster with Alexa Conversations

Slack channel, Twitch Streams, Forums, and Email Support - We’re here to help, we want to hear from you, and contestants can engage with engineers, product teams, and evangelists! Plan to attend the weekly Evangelist Office Hours on the Twitch livestream where you can get help with all of your Alexa technical questions, including Alexa Conversations and the Alexa Presentation Language for audio.

Sample Skills - See different implementations in these github skill samples:

Developer Documentation


Helpful Blogs

For Alexa Conversations:

For the two Alexa Presentation Language bonus prizes: